The principles of humanity-those values which act as a common bond of responsibilities Shared by faith and cultures throughout the world common humanity, responsibilities, Respect, compassion, truth and integrity, human solidarity
Friday, January 21, 2011
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خطرہ ہے کہ معیشت کی زبوں حالی کسی مصیبت میں نہ تبدیل ہو جائے-سردار مہتاب عباسی کی اسلام آباد ٹونائٹ میں گفتگو
پاکستان کی معیشت کی صورت حال بہت خطرناک ہے-مہتاب عباسی
پاکستان کے سیاست دانوں مین حالات کا مقابلہ کرنے کی خواہش بھی ہے اور ٹیلنٹ بھی-ہارون اختر خان
ٹیکس لگنے چاہییں لیکن اسطرح کہ مہنگائی نہ بڑھے-ہارون اختر خان
حکومت کو زرائع آمدن بڑھانے اور اخراجات کم کرنے ہوں گے-ہارون اختر خان
زراعت کے شعبے سے ساڑھے تین سو ارب روپے کی آمدن ہوئی ہے-فوزیہ وہاب
پاکستان کی معیشت ترقی کی طرف گامزن ہے ابتری کی طرف نہیں-فوزیہ وہاب
پاکستان کی معیشت میں اتنی گہرائی ہے کہ اپنے وسائل خود پیدا کر لے-فوزیہ وہاب
پاکستان کا جی ڈی پی خطے میں سب سے کم ہے- ہارون اختر خان
بنگلہ دیش کا جی ڈی پی چھ فیصد ہے-ہارون اختر خان
جب تک ہم معیشت کی زبوں حالی کا اقرار نہیں کریں گے حالات درست نہیں ہو سکتے-ہارون اختر خان
فوزیہ وہاب کے پاس پاکستان کی معیشت کی درست معلومات نہیں ہیں-مہتاب عباسی
ہم حکومت پر الزامات نہیں لگا رہے حقائق پیش کر رہے ہیں-مہتاب عباسی
لوگ پہلے ہی مہنگائی سے پسے ہوئے ہیں نئے ٹیکسز نہیں ادا کر سکتے-مہتاب عباسی
سب پر نہیں بلکہ ان پر ٹیکس لگنا چاہیے جو پہلے ٹیکس نہیں ادا کر رہے-ہارون اختر خان
میں گلوبل انکم پر ٹیکس کا بل لا رہا ہوں-ہارون اختر خان
زراعت پر ٹیکس لگانا ہے تو پھر وفاقی حکومت کو یہ اختیار دینا ہو گا-فوزیہ وہاب
گلوبل انکم پر ٹیکس کا بل آیا تو مسلم لیگ ن اسکی حمایت کرے گی-مہتاب عباسی
جن لوگوں کا پیسہ ملک سے باہر ہے اسے واپس لانے کی اجازت ہونی چاہیے-ہارون اختر خان
جو لوگ باہر سے پیسہ لا کر پاکستان میں سرمایہ کاری کریں ان پر پانچ سال تک ٹیکس معاف ہونا چاہیے-ہارون اختر خان
حکومت کو دوسری سیاسی پارٹیوں سے مشورے کا عمل بہت پہلے شروع کر دینا چاہیے تھا-فوزیہ وہاب
حکومت آر جی ایس ٹی پر سیاسی پارٹیوں سے مشورہ کرکے چلتی تو یہ بل ناکام نہ ہوتا-فوزیہ وہاب
تمام سیاسی جماعتوں کو پاکستان کی معیشت کی بہتری کے لیے اکٹھا ہونا پڑے گا-فوزیہ وہاب
میرے خیال میں ایک سطح سے اوپر کسی شعبے سے بھی کمائے ہوئے پیسے پر ٹیکس لگنا چاہیے-فوزیہ وہاب
اپوزیشن حکومت گرا سکتی تھی لیکن جمہوریت کی خاطر ایسا نہیں کیا- ہارون اختر خان
اپوزیشن نے حکومت نہیں گرائی تو عوام کو اس کا صلہ ملنا چاہیے-ہارون اختر خان
معیشت کو بچانا ملک کو بچانا ہے حکومت کو نہیں-مہتاب عباسی
حکومت کو ملک کی ترقی کے لیے اسے لوٹ کھسوٹ سے بچانا ہو گا-مہتاب عباسی
ہم حکومت پر دباو ڈالیں گے کہ وہ اپنے اخراجات کم کرے- مہتاب عباسی
پیپلز پارٹی کی حکومت کا نعرہ ہے کہ ٹریڈ چاہیے ایڈ نہیں-فوزیہ وہاب
میاں نواز شریف نے شہباز شریف کو پنجاب میں اخراجات کم کرنے کی ہدایت کر دی ہے-مہتاب عباسی
حکومت اپنے اخراجات پورے کرنے کے لیے ترقیاتی اخراجات کی کٹوتی کر رہی ہے-ہارون اختر خان
Pakistani newspapers cartoons on January 20
Cartoon on Earthquake and other challenges
Cartoon on Police operation
Cartoon on People problems
Cartoon on high prices
Cartoon on police operation in Karachi
SENATOR HAROON AKHTER KHAN OF PML said that Pakistani politicians have will and talent to stand on national issues. He said we need to impose new taxes but it should not cause the hike in the prices. He said that government needs to control its expenses and increase the resources of income. He said that Pakistan’s GDP is lowest in the region. He said that Bangladesh has 6 percent GDP growth rate in their country. He said that as long we will not confess that economy is in bad shape it can not grow. He said that the time has come to tax those who are not in tax bracket. He said Pakistan needs to tax agriculture and real estate sector to generate more revenue. He said that soon he will present a global taxation bill in the Senate. He said that according to this bill people will have to pay taxes on their income regardless where it is earned from. He said we need to allow Pakistani’s to bring their money from foreign bank accounts into Pakistan. He said that there should be no tax for five years if some body invests his money from foreign accounts into Pakistan. He said there was an opportunity to ouster PPPP government but opposition did not try that for the sake of democracy. He said that people of Pakistan should get the reward of opposition generosity in the shape of bold decisions to improve economy of the country. He said that government is not controlling its expenses and cutting the budget of development programme to meet its expenses.
SARDAR MEHTAB ABBASI OF PML (N) said that there is danger of turning bad economic situation into catastrophe. He said that the economic situation of Pakistan is very dangerous. Commenting on some of the figures given by Fozia wahab that economy is making progress he said that Fozia Wahab does not have correct information. He said that he is not accusing the government he is telling the facts. He said that people are already suffering because of higher prices of the commodities and in that situation new taxes can not be imposed. He said that if bill of taxation on global income is presented in the senate by Haroon Akhter Khan PML (N) will support it. He said that to protect the economy is the protection of the country not the government. He said that his party has put its demands in front of the government to cut down expenses and if their demands are not met they will put pressure on the government to do so. He said that Mian Nawaz Sharif as party head of PML (N) has advised his brother Chief Minister of Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif to minimize government expenses.
FOZIA WAHAB OF PPPP said that this impression is not true that economy of the country is not prospering. She said that the economic situation of the country is showing progress. She said that the contribution of agriculture sector is about three and half billion rupees last year. She said that our economy has potential to stand on its feet with out any out side help. She said that government is trying to create consensus on economy among all political parties. She said that RGST was not going to fail to implement if government had consensus with other parties. She said that the process of consensus on national issues should have started from early days of the government. She gave her suggestion to tax people after a certain limit regardless where they earn their money from. She said that “TRADE NOT AID” is the slogan of PPPP government.
SENATOR HAROON AKHTER KHAN OF PML said that Pakistani politicians have will and talent to stand on national issues. He said we need to impose new taxes but it should not cause the hike in the prices. He said that government needs to control its expenses and increase the resources of income. He said that Pakistan’s GDP is lowest in the region. He said that Bangladesh has 6 percent GDP growth rate in their country. He said that as long we will not confess that economy is in bad shape it can not grow. He said that the time has come to tax those who are not in tax bracket. He said Pakistan needs to tax agriculture and real estate sector to generate more revenue. He said that soon he will present a global taxation bill in the Senate. He said that according to this bill people will have to pay taxes on their income regardless where it is earned from. He said we need to allow Pakistani’s to bring their money from foreign bank accounts into Pakistan. He said that there should be no tax for five years if some body invests his money from foreign accounts into Pakistan. He said there was an opportunity to ouster PPPP government but opposition did not try that for the sake of democracy. He said that people of Pakistan should get the reward of opposition generosity in the shape of bold decisions to improve economy of the country. He said that government is not controlling its expenses and cutting the budget of development programme to meet its expenses.
SARDAR MEHTAB ABBASI OF PML (N) said that there is danger of turning bad economic situation into catastrophe. He said that the economic situation of Pakistan is very dangerous. Commenting on some of the figures given by Fozia wahab that economy is making progress he said that Fozia Wahab does not have correct information. He said that he is not accusing the government he is telling the facts. He said that people are already suffering because of higher prices of the commodities and in that situation new taxes can not be imposed. He said that if bill of taxation on global income is presented in the senate by Haroon Akhter Khan PML (N) will support it. He said that to protect the economy is the protection of the country not the government. He said that his party has put its demands in front of the government to cut down expenses and if their demands are not met they will put pressure on the government to do so. He said that Mian Nawaz Sharif as party head of PML (N) has advised his brother Chief Minister of Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif to minimize government expenses.
FOZIA WAHAB OF PPPP said that this impression is not true that economy of the country is not prospering. She said that the economic situation of the country is showing progress. She said that the contribution of agriculture sector is about three and half billion rupees last year. She said that our economy has potential to stand on its feet with out any out side help. She said that government is trying to create consensus on economy among all political parties. She said that RGST was not going to fail to implement if government had consensus with other parties. She said that the process of consensus on national issues should have started from early days of the government. She gave her suggestion to tax people after a certain limit regardless where they earn their money from. She said that “TRADE NOT AID” is the slogan of PPPP governmen
Pakistan Need Freedam
In search of electoral reform
The writer is a PML-Q MNA
In a country like Pakistan, which has been plagued with military and civilian dictatorships, there is an urgent need to tackle the issue of electoral reforms if one is serious about implementing real democracy.
My first serious intervention on electoral reforms was in December 2009, with assistance from the Free and Fair Electoral Network, when parliamentary caucus was created. The purpose was to develop consensus and submit a private member bill across party lines in the National Assembly. We succeeded in this endeavour and, along with MNAs Syed Zafar Ali Shah, Humair Hayat Khan Rokhri, Farhat Mohammad Khan representing the PPP, the PML-N and the MQM respectively, we submitted a constitutional reform bill for electoral reforms in April 2010. The objective was to launch the first phase in order to propose necessary amendments in the constitution.
However, to date, the bill has not been tabled in the National Assembly’s relevant standing committee for discussion. It is only through the media that I am aware of a government bill on the same issue, which has been approved by the cabinet and will be presented to the assembly soon. Such hijacking of private member bills by the government is a violation of parliamentary norms, but common practice in Pakistan.
The second phase — which had been planned, signed and sealed for political party discussion by the caucus last year — was a review of all electoral laws. The purpose of this effort was to achieve the following: increase transparency and accountability among political parties and candidates; fortify the independence of the Election Commission; regularise access for election observers; and reform rules for representation.
The end goal was to prepare a second private member bill for all the amendments within all other electoral laws. This has yet to be achieved.
As a first prong of this grand effort, we will be inviting all parliamentarians to examine the sticky political issue of the inequality of suffrage. Universal suffrage — the right to vote for anyone who is past the legal age of voting — is a phenomena which is taken for granted. It is the law, but in practice we see that women are not allowed this right in some parts of Pakistan. A tighter legal framework needs to be established to achieve better women ratios at polling booths.
Secondly, it is important that universal suffrage entails that every representative is elected to represent a roughly equal number of people in his constituency. Here, there are massive discrepancies of data. The mean average currently is 297,467 voters per constituency in a total of 272 constituencies, whilst the standard deviation is 74,477, or 25 per cent, from the average, which is very high. This is internationally unacceptable and in violation of the principles articulated in our own 1974 Delimitation Act. There is also the issue of the delayed national census, a political hot cake which we are tackling.
Needless to say, the electoral reform process has attracted a lot of attention from western governments. However, it is important to approach this reform with self-motivating vigour. It is clear that reformed election laws should lead to reformed electoral law implementation, which will eventually lead to a more democratic Pakistan.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 20th, 2011.
Islamabad Tonight - - 20th January 2011
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Sindh Visit 20 jan 2011 « Marvi Memon
Sindh Visit 20 jan 2011 « Marvi Memon
Tando Hafiz Khuli Katchri
Bhu tando hafiz
open katcheri
My thatto has many polluted fresh water lakes. Khenjhar.
Tando Hafiz Khuli Katchri
Bhu tando hafiz
open katcheri
My thatto has many polluted fresh water lakes. Khenjhar.
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