The principles of humanity-those values which act as a common bond of responsibilities Shared by faith and cultures throughout the world common humanity, responsibilities, Respect, compassion, truth and integrity, human solidarity
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Good Self-Improvement Has Focused
Consider any fictional or mythological fantasy quest. By the end with the story, the heroes and heroines usually are changed for some reason, transformed, improved. But it is rarely the finding with the mythological ‘quest item’ which is in charge of this positive transformation. Rather, oahu is the many experiences the adventurers encounter as you go along.
Quite simply, it’s not the destination which improves them, however the journey. It really is worth bearing this in your mind when it comes to searching for selfhelp,self improvement PLR and personal development. The search for self-help products really should not be considered an effective way to an end, but as an example of a unique right. The journey is really as important (and, oftentimes, more important than) the destination itself.
Even as flick through the virtual shelves from the online self improvement RRmarketplace, we’re, in a very real way, exploring our personal personalities, our strengths and our weaknesses. All too often, we treat the quest for selfhelp products being an act of faith. We place our faith at the disposal of the guru of the hour, who claims they can improve our way of life in (typically) just 7 days. When the products neglect to completely deliver on their own generally outrageous claims, our faith is usually shattered.
The solution to that is to spotlight the journey, to focus on ourselves, rather than put our faith in the hands of others.This is simply not to say, we have to abandon selfhelp products. Just the opposite, in fact. A journey requires a destination, all things considered. We should try everything to enhance and develop ourselves: self-hypnosis, the Law of Attraction, binaural beats, Reality Creation, Manifesting, Affirmations, Cosmic Ordering… everything. And now we should take something far from each product, from each experience, from each little adventure we come across along the way on our incredible voyage of self improvement MRR. And, like the heroes and heroines of your fantastical quest, we’ll find ourselves transformed from the journey itself.
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11th August 1947. Quaid's speech
China questions dollar dominance
11thAugust 1947. Quaid's speech
11th August 1947. Quaid's speech
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen!
I cordially thank you, with the utmost sincerity, for the honour you have conferred upon me – the greatest honour that is possible to confer – by
electing me as your first President. I also thank those leaders who have spoken in appreciation of my services and their personal references to me. I sincerely
hope that with your support and your co-operation we shall make this Constituent Assembly an example to the world. The Constituent Assembly has
got two main functions to perform. The first is the very onerous and responsible task of framing the future constitution of Pakistan and the second
of functioning as a full and complete sovereign body as the Federal Legislature of Pakistan. We have to do the best we can in adopting a provisional
constitution for the Federal Legislature of Pakistan. You know really that not only we ourselves are wondering but, I think, the whole world is wondering at
this unprecedented cyclonic revolution which has brought about the clan of creating and establishing two independent sovereign Dominions in this sub-
continent. As it is, it has been unprecedented; there is no parallel in the history of the world. This mighty sub-continent with all kinds of inhabitants has been
brought under a plan which is titanic, unknown, unparalleled. And what is very important with regards to it is that we have achieved it peacefully and by
means of an evolution of the greatest possible character.Dealing with our first function in this Assembly, I cannot make any well-
considered pronouncement at this moment, but I shall say a few things as they occur to me. The first and the foremost thing that I would like to emphasize is
this: remember that you are now a sovereign legislative body and you have got all the powers. It, therefore, places on you the gravest responsibility as to how
you should take your decisions. The first observation that I would like to make is this: You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is
to maintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State.
The second thing that occurs to me is this: One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering – I do not say that other countries are free from it, but,
I think our condition is much worse – is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison. We must put that down with an iron hand and I hope that you will take
adequate measures as soon as it is possible for this Assembly to do so. Black-marketing is another curse. Well, I know that blackmarketeers are
frequently caught and punished. Judicial sentences are passed or sometimes fines only are imposed. Now you have to tackle this monster, which today is a
colossal crime against society, in our distressed conditions, when we constantly face shortage of food and other essential commodities of life. A
citizen who does black-marketing commits, I think, a greater crime than the biggest and most grievous of crimes. These blackmarketeers are really knowing,
intelligent and ordinarily responsible people, and when they indulge in black-marketing, I think they ought to be very severely punished, because the entire
system of control and regulation of foodstuffs and essential commodities, and causewholesale starvation and want and even death.
The next thing that strikes me is this: Here again it is a legacy which has been passed on to us. Along with many other things, good and bad, has arrived this
great evil, the evil of nepotism and jobbery. I want to make it quite clear that I shall never tolerate any kind of jobbery, nepotism or any influence directly or
indirectly brought to bear upon me. Whenever I will find that such a practice is in vogue or is continuing anywhere, low or high, I shall certainly not
countenance it.
I know there are people who do not quite agree with the division of India and thepartition of the Punjab and Bengal. Much has been said against it, but now
that it has been accepted, it is the duty of everyone of us to loyally abide by it and honourably act according to the agreement which is now final and binding
on all. But you must remember, as I have said, that this mighty revolution that has taken place is unprecedented. One can quite understand the feeling that
exists between the two communities wherever one community is in majority and the other is in minority. But the question is, whether it was possible or
practicable to act otherwise than what has been done, A division had to take place. On both sides, in Hindustan and Pakistan, there are sections of people
who may not agree with it, who may not like it, but in my judgement there was no other solution and I am sure future history will record is verdict in favour of
it. And what is more, it will be proved by actual experience as we go on that was the only solution of India’s constitutional problem. Any idea of a united
India could never have worked and in my judgement it would have led us to terrific disaster. Maybe that view is correct; maybe it is not; that remains to
be seen. All the same, in this division it was impossible to avoid the question of minorities being in one Dominion or the other. Now that was unavoidable. There
is no other solution. Now what shall we do? Now, if we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely
concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor. If you will work in co-operation, forgetting the past, burying the
hatchet, you are bound to succeed. If you change your past and work together in a spirit that everyone of you, no matter to what community he
belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste or creed, is first, second and last a citizen of this State
with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be on end to the progress you will make.
I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minority communities,
the Hindu community and the Muslim community, because even as regards Muslims you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias, Sunnis and so on, and among the
Hindus you have Brahmins, Vashnavas, Khatris, also Bengalis, Madrasis and so on, will vanish. Indeed if you ask me, this has been the biggest hindrance in the
way of India to attain the freedom and independence and but for this we would have been free people long long ago. No power can hold another nation, and
specially a nation of 400 million souls in subjection; nobody could have conquered you, and even if it had happened, nobody could have continued its
hold on you for any length of time, but for this. Therefore, we must learn a lesson from this. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free
to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to
do with the business of the State. As you know, history shows that in England, conditions, some time ago, were much worse than those prevailing in India
today. The Roman Catholics and the Protestants persecuted each other. Even now there are some States in existence where there are discriminations made
and bars imposed against a particular class. Thank God, we are not starting in those days. We are starting in the days where there is no discrimination, no
distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one caste or creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle
that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State. The people of England in course of time had to face the realities of the situation and had to discharge
the responsibilities and burdens placed upon them by the government of their country and they went through that fire step by step. Today, you might say
with justice that Roman Catholics and Protestants do not exist; what exists now is that every man is a citizen, an equal citizen of Great Britain and they
are all members of the Nation.Now I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and
Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.
Well, gentlemen, I do not wish to take up any more of your time and thank you again for the honour you have done to me. I shall always be guided by the
principles of justice and fairplay without any, as is put in the political language, prejudice or ill-will, in other words, partiality or favouritism. My guiding principle
will be justice and complete impartiality, and I am sure that with your support and co-operation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest
nations of the world.I have received a message from the United States of America addressed to me.
It reads:
I have the honour to communicate to you, in Your Excellency’s capacity as President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, the following message which
I have just received from the Secretary of State of the United States:
On the occasion of the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly for Pakistan, I extend to you and to the members of the Assembly, the best wishes of the
Government and the people of the United States for the successful conclusion of the great work you are about to undertake.
Posted by sanaeem at 3:57 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Capital talk - 17th january 2011 part 2
China questions dollar dominance
China questions dollar dominance
The US is accusing China of undervaluing its currency to get an unfair trade advantage [EPA]
The Chinese president has resisted US arguments about why China should let its currency strengthen, saying the dollar-based international currency system is a "product of the past".
However, Hu Jintao admitted that it would take a long time to make China's yuan (RMB) a world currency.
"China has made important contribution to the world economy in terms of total economic output and trade, and the RMB has played a role in the world economic development," he told two US newspaper in a written interview ahead of his visit to th US next week.
"But making the RMB an international currency will be a fairly long process."
Critics say China intentionally undervalues the its yuan to make its exports cheaper and gain a trade advantage, contributing to the huge US trade deficit.
Hu said arguments that allowing the yuan to appreciate would curb inflation are too simplistic, adding that China is fighting inflation with a range of policies including interest-rate increases.
'Moderate inflation'
While inflation in China hit a 28-month high in November, Hu told the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post that prices were "on the whole moderate and controllable."
"We have the confidence, conditions and ability to stabilise the overall price level," he said.
US legislators are among the biggest critics of China's exchange rate policy. Three Democratic senators - Charles Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, and Bob Casey - said on Sunday that they would propose legislation to try and fix the problem.
The legislation would impose stiff new penalties on countries that the treasury department designated as currency manipulators. The treasury has not labelled any country a currency manipulator since July 1994 when it cited China.
On other issues, Hu struck an upbeat tone about ties with the US.
"We should abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality," he said and "respect each other's choice of development path."
The president suggested co-operation with the US in areas like new energy sources, clean energy, infrastructure development, aviation and space.
"Both sides should keep to the right direction in the development of our relations, increase exchanges, enhance mutual trust, seek common ground while reserving differences, properly manage differences and sensitive issues and jointly promote the long-term, sound and steady development of China-US
Optimism on Koreas
He also expressed optimism about the outlook for resolving tensions on the Korean peninsula, an area of concern to both Washington and Beijing, saying he sees signs of decreasing tensions between the North and the South.
"Thanks to joint efforts by China and other parties, there have been signs of relaxation," Hu said. He was convinced "an appropriate solution to the Korean nuclear issue" could be found, a reference to North Korea's nuclear arms programme.
The Chinese leader, who is expected to step down as president and general secretary of China's Communist Party in 2012, arrives on Wednesday in Washington for his first and last state visit.
Eswar Prasad, a Brookings Institution economist and former International Monetary Fund, said Hu's generally conciliatory tone augured well ahead of his Washington meetings with Barack Obama, the US president, and other officials.
"Hu makes it clear that China intends to move forward on opening its markets, freeing up its exchange rate and restructuring its political system, but at its own pace and with little heed to external pressures for more rapid or broader reforms," he said.
Posted by sanaeem at 3:36 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post
MNA Marvi Memon Issues White Paper on Killings of Media Personnel in Pakistan « Marvi Memon
MNA Marvi Memon Issues White Paper on Killings of Media Personnel in Pakistan « Marvi Memonournalists killed in Pakistan
White Paper
MNA Marvi Memon
Chronology 2010
1. Muhammad Khan Sasoli of Royal Tv INP was gunned down outside his home on 14 December in Khuzdhar, town in the southwestern province of Balochistan.
2. Abdul Wahab, Express News, December 6, 2010, in Ghalanai, Pakistan
3. Pervez Khan, Waqt TV, December 6, 2010, in Ghalanai, Pakistan.
4. Altaf Chandio was the president of the Mirpur Khas press club in Sindh and the bureau chief of the private Sindhi language channel, AWAZ (voice) was killed on 6 December. According to media reports, he was shot outside his house by unidentified gunmen.
5. Abdul Hameed Hayatan, whose body was found with gunshot wounds on 18 November outside of Turbat, in western Pakistan’s Baluchistan province.
6. Mujeebur Rehman Saddiqui, 39, was a senior correspondent for the newspaper Daily Pakistan. He was shot dead on 16 September by unidentified gunmen as he was leaving the mosque after evening prayers in the north-western province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
7. Misri Khan, Ausaf and Mashriq, September 14, 2010, in Hangu, Pakistan.
8. Ejaz Raisani, Samaa TV, September 6, 2010, in Quetta, Pakistan
9. Faiz Mohammad Khan Sasoli was shot down on 27 June as he was driving in Khuzdar district. The former president of the Khuzdar Press Club had already received death threats and had survived two attacks in the past 12 months
10. Ejazul Haq, City-42 TV May 28, 2010, in Lahore, Pakistan
11. Ghulam Rasool Birhamani, Daily Sindhu Hyderabad May 9 or 10, in Wahi Pandhi, Pakistan
12. Azamat Ali Bangash, Samaa TV April 17, 2010, in Orakzai, Pakistan
13. Malik Arif, Samaa TV April 16, 2010, in Quetta, Pakistan
14. Ashiq Ali Mangi of Mehran TV, who was shot dead on 17 February outside his district press club in the southern province of Sindh, Pakistan.
Reporters Without Border on “Press Freedom Index”
Reporters Without Border on “Press Freedom Index”
Year Ranking
2010 151
2009 159 (Afghanistan was at 149)
2008 152
2007 152
2006 157
Chronology 2009
1. Janullah Hashimzada, Shamshad TV, August 24, 2009, in Jamrud, Pakistan
2. Musa Khankhel, Geo TV and The News February 18, 2009, in Swat, Pakistan
3. Tahir Awan, freelance January 4, 2009, in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
4. Mohammad Imran, Express TV January 4, 2009, in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
Chronology 2008
1. Abdul Razzak Johra, Royal TV November 3, 2008, in Punjab, Pakistan
2. Abdul Aziz Shaheen, Azadi August 29, 2008, in Swat, Pakistan
3. Mohammed Ibrahim, Express TV and Daily Express May 22, 2008, in Khar, Pakistan
4. Siraj Uddin, The Nation February 29, 2008, in Mingora, Pakistan
5. Chishti Mujahid, Akbar-e-Jehan February 9, 2008, in Quetta, Pakistan
Bachey Mann K Sachey - 16th January 2011 - Imran Khan & Ali Azmat
کراچی کو اسلحے سے پاک کرنے کے لیئے فوج کے حوالے کر دینا چاہیے-غلام احمد بلور کراچی کے حالات سوات جیسے نہیں کہ فوج کے حوالے کر دیا جائے-شرمیلا فاروقی کراچی فوج کے حوالے کرنا ہے تو پھر پختونخواہ،بلوچستان اور پنجاب بھی فوج کے حوالے کیا جائے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیے فوجی آپر...
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اگرمسلم لیگ ن اور ق حکومت کا ساتھ دیں تو کراچی میں امن ہو سکتا ہے-بشیر بلور کی اسلام آباد ٹونائٹ میں گفتگو
پختون مسافر ہیں وہ کراچی پر قبضہ نہیں کرنا چاہتے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کیصورت حال کو حقائق سے ہٹ کر نفرت کی عینک سے دیکھا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
کراچی میں جرائم پیشہ افراد کی لڑائی کو سیاسی رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی کے واقعات کا تعصب کی وجہ سے ایم کیو ایم پر الزام لگا دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
اگر ایم کیو ایم کے کارکنان تشدد میں ملوث ہیں تو ثبوت عدالت میں پیش کیے جایں-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی میں سیاسی کارکن آپس میں لڑ رہے ہیں اور لاشیں گر رہی ہیں-شرمیلا فاروقی
اگر میں کہوں کہ کراچی کے واقعات میں سیاسی جماعتیں ملوث نہیں تو یہ جھوٹ ہو گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
زرداری،الطاف اور اسفند یار ولی میں پائی جانے والی ہم آہنگی کارکنوں میں موجود نہیں ہے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیئے تین ماہ کا وقت مانگنا بہت زیادہ ہے-روحیل اصغر
حقیقت یہ ہے کہ حکومت کراچی میں امن قائم کرنے میں ناکام ہو چکی ہے-روحیل آصغر
کراچی کو اسلحے سے پاک کرنے کے لیئے فوج کے حوالے کر دینا چاہیے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کے پر تشدد علاقعوں میں آپریشن کیا جاے گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات سوات جیسے نہیں ہیں کہ فوج کے حوالے کر دیا جاے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی میں بڑا نہیں بلکہ ایک سرجیکل اپریشن کیا جاے گا-نبیل گبول
کراچی میں ٹارگٹ کلنگ کرنے والے سیاسی جماعتوں کے جھنڈے استعمال کر رہے ہیں-نبیل گبول
زاتی دشمنی کی وجہ سے مار کر بھی ٹارگٹ کلنگ کا رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-نبیل گبول
میں کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیے اسےفوج کے حوالے کرنے کی حمایت نہیں کرتا-روحیل اصغر
کراچی میں چند سال پہلے آپریشن کرنے والے پولیس افسروں کو چن چن کر قتل کر دیا گیا تھا-بشیر بلور
کراچی فوج کے حوالے کرنا ہے تو پھر پختونخواہ،بلوچستان اور پنجاب بھی فوج کے حوالے کیا جاے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
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اگرمسلم لیگ ن اور ق حکومت کا ساتھ دیں تو کراچی میں امن ہو سکتا ہے-بشیر بلور کی اسلام آباد ٹونائٹ میں گفتگو
پختون مسافر ہیں وہ کراچی پر قبضہ نہیں کرنا چاہتے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کیصورت حال کو حقائق سے ہٹ کر نفرت کی عینک سے دیکھا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
کراچی میں جرائم پیشہ افراد کی لڑائی کو سیاسی رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی کے واقعات کا تعصب کی وجہ سے ایم کیو ایم پر الزام لگا دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
اگر ایم کیو ایم کے کارکنان تشدد میں ملوث ہیں تو ثبوت عدالت میں پیش کیے جایں-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی میں سیاسی کارکن آپس میں لڑ رہے ہیں اور لاشیں گر رہی ہیں-شرمیلا فاروقی
اگر میں کہوں کہ کراچی کے واقعات میں سیاسی جماعتیں ملوث نہیں تو یہ جھوٹ ہو گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
زرداری،الطاف اور اسفند یار ولی میں پائی جانے والی ہم آہنگی کارکنوں میں موجود نہیں ہے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیئے تین ماہ کا وقت مانگنا بہت زیادہ ہے-روحیل اصغر
حقیقت یہ ہے کہ حکومت کراچی میں امن قائم کرنے میں ناکام ہو چکی ہے-روحیل آصغر
کراچی کو اسلحے سے پاک کرنے کے لیئے فوج کے حوالے کر دینا چاہیے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کے پر تشدد علاقعوں میں آپریشن کیا جاے گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات سوات جیسے نہیں ہیں کہ فوج کے حوالے کر دیا جاے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی میں بڑا نہیں بلکہ ایک سرجیکل اپریشن کیا جاے گا-نبیل گبول
کراچی میں ٹارگٹ کلنگ کرنے والے سیاسی جماعتوں کے جھنڈے استعمال کر رہے ہیں-نبیل گبول
زاتی دشمنی کی وجہ سے مار کر بھی ٹارگٹ کلنگ کا رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-نبیل گبول
میں کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیے اسےفوج کے حوالے کرنے کی حمایت نہیں کرتا-روحیل اصغر
کراچی میں چند سال پہلے آپریشن کرنے والے پولیس افسروں کو چن چن کر قتل کر دیا گیا تھا-بشیر بلور
کراچی فوج کے حوالے کرنا ہے تو پھر پختونخواہ،بلوچستان اور پنجاب بھی فوج کے حوالے کیا جاے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
کراچی کو اسلحے سے پاک کرنے کے لیئے فوج کے حوالے کر دینا چاہیے-غلام احمد بلور کراچی کے حالات سوات جیسے نہیں کہ فوج کے حوالے کر دیا جائے-شرمیلا فاروقی کراچی فوج کے حوالے کرنا ہے تو پھر پختونخواہ،بلوچستان اور پنجاب بھی فوج کے حوالے کیا جائے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیے فوجی آپر...
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اگرمسلم لیگ ن اور ق حکومت کا ساتھ دیں تو کراچی میں امن ہو سکتا ہے-بشیر بلور کی اسلام آباد ٹونائٹ میں گفتگو
پختون مسافر ہیں وہ کراچی پر قبضہ نہیں کرنا چاہتے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کیصورت حال کو حقائق سے ہٹ کر نفرت کی عینک سے دیکھا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
کراچی میں جرائم پیشہ افراد کی لڑائی کو سیاسی رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی کے واقعات کا تعصب کی وجہ سے ایم کیو ایم پر الزام لگا دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
اگر ایم کیو ایم کے کارکنان تشدد میں ملوث ہیں تو ثبوت عدالت میں پیش کیے جایں-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی میں سیاسی کارکن آپس میں لڑ رہے ہیں اور لاشیں گر رہی ہیں-شرمیلا فاروقی
اگر میں کہوں کہ کراچی کے واقعات میں سیاسی جماعتیں ملوث نہیں تو یہ جھوٹ ہو گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
زرداری،الطاف اور اسفند یار ولی میں پائی جانے والی ہم آہنگی کارکنوں میں موجود نہیں ہے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیئے تین ماہ کا وقت مانگنا بہت زیادہ ہے-روحیل اصغر
حقیقت یہ ہے کہ حکومت کراچی میں امن قائم کرنے میں ناکام ہو چکی ہے-روحیل آصغر
کراچی کو اسلحے سے پاک کرنے کے لیئے فوج کے حوالے کر دینا چاہیے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کے پر تشدد علاقعوں میں آپریشن کیا جاے گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات سوات جیسے نہیں ہیں کہ فوج کے حوالے کر دیا جاے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی میں بڑا نہیں بلکہ ایک سرجیکل اپریشن کیا جاے گا-نبیل گبول
کراچی میں ٹارگٹ کلنگ کرنے والے سیاسی جماعتوں کے جھنڈے استعمال کر رہے ہیں-نبیل گبول
زاتی دشمنی کی وجہ سے مار کر بھی ٹارگٹ کلنگ کا رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-نبیل گبول
میں کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیے اسےفوج کے حوالے کرنے کی حمایت نہیں کرتا-روحیل اصغر
کراچی میں چند سال پہلے آپریشن کرنے والے پولیس افسروں کو چن چن کر قتل کر دیا گیا تھا-بشیر بلور
کراچی فوج کے حوالے کرنا ہے تو پھر پختونخواہ،بلوچستان اور پنجاب بھی فوج کے حوالے کیا جاے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
کراچی میں ٹارگٹ کلنگ ہو رہی ہے باقی ملک میں طالبان لڑ رہے ہیں-بشیر بلور
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اگرمسلم لیگ ن اور ق حکومت کا ساتھ دیں تو کراچی میں امن ہو سکتا ہے-بشیر بلور کی اسلام آباد ٹونائٹ میں گفتگو
پختون مسافر ہیں وہ کراچی پر قبضہ نہیں کرنا چاہتے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کیصورت حال کو حقائق سے ہٹ کر نفرت کی عینک سے دیکھا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
کراچی میں جرائم پیشہ افراد کی لڑائی کو سیاسی رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی کے واقعات کا تعصب کی وجہ سے ایم کیو ایم پر الزام لگا دیا جاتا ہے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
اگر ایم کیو ایم کے کارکنان تشدد میں ملوث ہیں تو ثبوت عدالت میں پیش کیے جایں-مصطفی عزیزآبادی
کراچی میں سیاسی کارکن آپس میں لڑ رہے ہیں اور لاشیں گر رہی ہیں-شرمیلا فاروقی
اگر میں کہوں کہ کراچی کے واقعات میں سیاسی جماعتیں ملوث نہیں تو یہ جھوٹ ہو گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
زرداری،الطاف اور اسفند یار ولی میں پائی جانے والی ہم آہنگی کارکنوں میں موجود نہیں ہے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیئے تین ماہ کا وقت مانگنا بہت زیادہ ہے-روحیل اصغر
حقیقت یہ ہے کہ حکومت کراچی میں امن قائم کرنے میں ناکام ہو چکی ہے-روحیل آصغر
کراچی کو اسلحے سے پاک کرنے کے لیئے فوج کے حوالے کر دینا چاہیے-بشیر بلور
کراچی کے پر تشدد علاقعوں میں آپریشن کیا جاے گا-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی کے حالات سوات جیسے نہیں ہیں کہ فوج کے حوالے کر دیا جاے-شرمیلا فاروقی
کراچی میں بڑا نہیں بلکہ ایک سرجیکل اپریشن کیا جاے گا-نبیل گبول
کراچی میں ٹارگٹ کلنگ کرنے والے سیاسی جماعتوں کے جھنڈے استعمال کر رہے ہیں-نبیل گبول
زاتی دشمنی کی وجہ سے مار کر بھی ٹارگٹ کلنگ کا رنگ دے دیا جاتا ہے-نبیل گبول
میں کراچی کے حالات درست کرنے کے لیے اسےفوج کے حوالے کرنے کی حمایت نہیں کرتا-روحیل اصغر
کراچی میں چند سال پہلے آپریشن کرنے والے پولیس افسروں کو چن چن کر قتل کر دیا گیا تھا-بشیر بلور
کراچی فوج کے حوالے کرنا ہے تو پھر پختونخواہ،بلوچستان اور پنجاب بھی فوج کے حوالے کیا جاے-مصطفی عزیز آبادی
کراچی میں ٹارگٹ کلنگ ہو رہی ہے باقی ملک میں طالبان لڑ رہے ہیں-بشیر بلور
11th August 1947. Quaid's speech
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen!
I cordially thank you, with the utmost sincerity, for the honour you have conferred upon me – the greatest honour that is possible to confer – by
electing me as your first President. I also thank those leaders who have spoken in appreciation of my services and their personal references to me. I sincerely
hope that with your support and your co-operation we shall make this Constituent Assembly an example to the world. The Constituent Assembly has
got two main functions to perform. The first is the very onerous and responsible task of framing the future constitution of Pakistan and the second
of functioning as a full and complete sovereign body as the Federal Legislature of Pakistan. We have to do the best we can in adopting a provisional
constitution for the Federal Legislature of Pakistan. You know really that not only we ourselves are wondering but, I think, the whole world is wondering at
this unprecedented cyclonic revolution which has brought about the clan of creating and establishing two independent sovereign Dominions in this sub-
continent. As it is, it has been unprecedented; there is no parallel in the history of the world. This mighty sub-continent with all kinds of inhabitants has been
brought under a plan which is titanic, unknown, unparalleled. And what is very important with regards to it is that we have achieved it peacefully and by
means of an evolution of the greatest possible character.Dealing with our first function in this Assembly, I cannot make any well-
considered pronouncement at this moment, but I shall say a few things as they occur to me. The first and the foremost thing that I would like to emphasize is
this: remember that you are now a sovereign legislative body and you have got all the powers. It, therefore, places on you the gravest responsibility as to how
you should take your decisions. The first observation that I would like to make is this: You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is
to maintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State.
The second thing that occurs to me is this: One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering – I do not say that other countries are free from it, but,
I think our condition is much worse – is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison. We must put that down with an iron hand and I hope that you will take
adequate measures as soon as it is possible for this Assembly to do so. Black-marketing is another curse. Well, I know that blackmarketeers are
frequently caught and punished. Judicial sentences are passed or sometimes fines only are imposed. Now you have to tackle this monster, which today is a
colossal crime against society, in our distressed conditions, when we constantly face shortage of food and other essential commodities of life. A
citizen who does black-marketing commits, I think, a greater crime than the biggest and most grievous of crimes. These blackmarketeers are really knowing,
intelligent and ordinarily responsible people, and when they indulge in black-marketing, I think they ought to be very severely punished, because the entire
system of control and regulation of foodstuffs and essential commodities, and causewholesale starvation and want and even death.
The next thing that strikes me is this: Here again it is a legacy which has been passed on to us. Along with many other things, good and bad, has arrived this
great evil, the evil of nepotism and jobbery. I want to make it quite clear that I shall never tolerate any kind of jobbery, nepotism or any influence directly or
indirectly brought to bear upon me. Whenever I will find that such a practice is in vogue or is continuing anywhere, low or high, I shall certainly not
countenance it.
I know there are people who do not quite agree with the division of India and thepartition of the Punjab and Bengal. Much has been said against it, but now
that it has been accepted, it is the duty of everyone of us to loyally abide by it and honourably act according to the agreement which is now final and binding
on all. But you must remember, as I have said, that this mighty revolution that has taken place is unprecedented. One can quite understand the feeling that
exists between the two communities wherever one community is in majority and the other is in minority. But the question is, whether it was possible or
practicable to act otherwise than what has been done, A division had to take place. On both sides, in Hindustan and Pakistan, there are sections of people
who may not agree with it, who may not like it, but in my judgement there was no other solution and I am sure future history will record is verdict in favour of
it. And what is more, it will be proved by actual experience as we go on that was the only solution of India’s constitutional problem. Any idea of a united
India could never have worked and in my judgement it would have led us to terrific disaster. Maybe that view is correct; maybe it is not; that remains to
be seen. All the same, in this division it was impossible to avoid the question of minorities being in one Dominion or the other. Now that was unavoidable. There
is no other solution. Now what shall we do? Now, if we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely
concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor. If you will work in co-operation, forgetting the past, burying the
hatchet, you are bound to succeed. If you change your past and work together in a spirit that everyone of you, no matter to what community he
belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste or creed, is first, second and last a citizen of this State
with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be on end to the progress you will make.
I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minority communities,
the Hindu community and the Muslim community, because even as regards Muslims you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias, Sunnis and so on, and among the
Hindus you have Brahmins, Vashnavas, Khatris, also Bengalis, Madrasis and so on, will vanish. Indeed if you ask me, this has been the biggest hindrance in the
way of India to attain the freedom and independence and but for this we would have been free people long long ago. No power can hold another nation, and
specially a nation of 400 million souls in subjection; nobody could have conquered you, and even if it had happened, nobody could have continued its
hold on you for any length of time, but for this. Therefore, we must learn a lesson from this. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free
to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to
do with the business of the State. As you know, history shows that in England, conditions, some time ago, were much worse than those prevailing in India
today. The Roman Catholics and the Protestants persecuted each other. Even now there are some States in existence where there are discriminations made
and bars imposed against a particular class. Thank God, we are not starting in those days. We are starting in the days where there is no discrimination, no
distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one caste or creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle
that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State. The people of England in course of time had to face the realities of the situation and had to discharge
the responsibilities and burdens placed upon them by the government of their country and they went through that fire step by step. Today, you might say
with justice that Roman Catholics and Protestants do not exist; what exists now is that every man is a citizen, an equal citizen of Great Britain and they
are all members of the Nation.Now I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and
Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.
Well, gentlemen, I do not wish to take up any more of your time and thank you again for the honour you have done to me. I shall always be guided by the
principles of justice and fairplay without any, as is put in the political language, prejudice or ill-will, in other words, partiality or favouritism. My guiding principle
will be justice and complete impartiality, and I am sure that with your support and co-operation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest
nations of the world.I have received a message from the United States of America addressed to me.
It reads:
I have the honour to communicate to you, in Your Excellency’s capacity as President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, the following message which
I have just received from the Secretary of State of the United States:
On the occasion of the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly for Pakistan, I extend to you and to the members of the Assembly, the best wishes of the
Government and the people of the United States for the successful conclusion of the great work you are about to undertake.
Nurses asked to wear ‘burqa’ to avoid doctors’ sexual assault
Men with Mayo Superintendent’s mindset unfortunately hold women without ‘Hijab’ responsible for inciting males to an extent that they loose control over themselves and act devilish---the women must cover and segregate themselves from men to avoid such predicament and sinning the men to commit sins. Thankfully, after the nurses’ protest outside the Punjab Assembly, a three-member inquiry committee was formed, but on the basis of preliminary investigation, the accused was only terminated from service. This incident is reflective of how women are unsafe in a working environment. Nurses, who have to work night shifts with their male colleagues, are at particular risk. This is not the first time a case like this has come to the surface. Not too long ago, a nursing student at the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi, was assaulted by her male seniors, including a medico-legal officer. In that incident too nurses protested and pressurised the authorities to investigate the matter and bring the culprits to book, but the matter cooled down after a lapse of some six months and the accused was recently granted bail by the court. It is a shame that in our society, women who have the courage to leave their homes to earn a living are made to suffer in this manner. Such incidents discourage people from sending their daughters, sisters and wives out to work due to the fear for their security. Alarmingly, we are a society where, more often than not, aggressive males get away with criminal assaults on weaker female subordinates. The fact that the hospital’s administration, instead of questioning the accused and taking action against him, interpreted the entire incident as if it had dishonoured the girl and that she should be ashamed and ‘cover her face’ as if she was the real culprit and not the victim speaks volumes about how we view victims of such abuse. Clearly, this is injustice at its worst, where a victim is forced to live incognito and the culprit is allowed to lead a respectable life. On the other hand, it also proves that refusal to accept maltreatment can lead you to justice. One must commend the exemplary unity of nurses who stood up for their colleague and got noticed by the media and authorities. Nevertheless, there is a dire need to establish permanent mechanisms to address the issue of harrassment at the workplace. Moreover, the perpetrators must be made an example of in order to teach others of this mindset a lesson. |
China questions dollar dominance
The US is accusing China of undervaluing its currency to get an unfair trade advantage [EPA]
The Chinese president has resisted US arguments about why China should let its currency strengthen, saying the dollar-based international currency system is a "product of the past".
However, Hu Jintao admitted that it would take a long time to make China's yuan (RMB) a world currency.
"China has made important contribution to the world economy in terms of total economic output and trade, and the RMB has played a role in the world economic development," he told two US newspaper in a written interview ahead of his visit to th US next week.
"But making the RMB an international currency will be a fairly long process."
Critics say China intentionally undervalues the its yuan to make its exports cheaper and gain a trade advantage, contributing to the huge US trade deficit.
Hu said arguments that allowing the yuan to appreciate would curb inflation are too simplistic, adding that China is fighting inflation with a range of policies including interest-rate increases.
'Moderate inflation'
While inflation in China hit a 28-month high in November, Hu told the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post that prices were "on the whole moderate and controllable."
"We have the confidence, conditions and ability to stabilise the overall price level," he said.
US legislators are among the biggest critics of China's exchange rate policy. Three Democratic senators - Charles Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, and Bob Casey - said on Sunday that they would propose legislation to try and fix the problem.
The legislation would impose stiff new penalties on countries that the treasury department designated as currency manipulators. The treasury has not labelled any country a currency manipulator since July 1994 when it cited China.
On other issues, Hu struck an upbeat tone about ties with the US.
"We should abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality," he said and "respect each other's choice of development path."
The president suggested co-operation with the US in areas like new energy sources, clean energy, infrastructure development, aviation and space.
"Both sides should keep to the right direction in the development of our relations, increase exchanges, enhance mutual trust, seek common ground while reserving differences, properly manage differences and sensitive issues and jointly promote the long-term, sound and steady development of China-US
Optimism on Koreas
He also expressed optimism about the outlook for resolving tensions on the Korean peninsula, an area of concern to both Washington and Beijing, saying he sees signs of decreasing tensions between the North and the South.
"Thanks to joint efforts by China and other parties, there have been signs of relaxation," Hu said. He was convinced "an appropriate solution to the Korean nuclear issue" could be found, a reference to North Korea's nuclear arms programme.
The Chinese leader, who is expected to step down as president and general secretary of China's Communist Party in 2012, arrives on Wednesday in Washington for his first and last state visit.
Eswar Prasad, a Brookings Institution economist and former International Monetary Fund, said Hu's generally conciliatory tone augured well ahead of his Washington meetings with Barack Obama, the US president, and other officials.
"Hu makes it clear that China intends to move forward on opening its markets, freeing up its exchange rate and restructuring its political system, but at its own pace and with little heed to external pressures for more rapid or broader reforms," he said.
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